THINGSText: Hanae Watanabe
The book Gold & Silver, a sequel to Multicolour from the PALETTE series, was released from the Hong Kong based design publisher Victionary. It introduces a variety of design and art, including familiar items such as name cards and stationaries, advertisements, packaging and installations.
One would feel happy to pick and use the colours of gold and silver for special occasions, when he/she finds them among various colours of paints, papers and coloured pencils. Usually, gold and silver are used as celebratory colours, but this book proves that they are useful for many other situations.
It might be appropriate to categorise the metallic nature of gold and silver as materials, instead of seeing them as colours like red, blue and yellow. These materials immediately evoke texture and materiality; hardness, heat and weight. The shine and lustre attract our eyes. These metallic colours are often compared with each other; however, it’s not so usual to compare them with other colours.
While turning these pages, readers will find different expressions of gold and silver that vary according to other colours and designs with which they are combined. Readers can enjoy the diversity created by the two colours; their shiny surfaces bear a luxurious air, from a sophisticated urban looking to a traditional and dignified one.
The book itself looks exactly like fine gold, pretending to be a gold ingot with the title stamped into the cover, and it being covered by gold from edge to edge. As it always does, in this issue, Victionary gives us surprises and discoveries by suggesting the use of gold and silver more often in combination with other colours, instead of setting them aside only for special occasions.
PALETTE 03: Gold & Silver
Spec: 185 x 250 mm, 256 pages
Publisher: Victionary
Language: English
Release: February 2013
Text: Hanae Watanabe
Translation: Yumiko Sato