My feeling right now could be compared to "Imprisoned Housemaid and Marriage Consultant" by again Rupert Pola. Hanged up on the wall of the Tokyo International Communication Memorial Center, the famous painting wa...
My feeling right now could be compared to "Universal Love, and its Chance" by the Zakuien avant garde painter Rupert Pola. Hanged up on the wall of the chairman's room in All Asia Critique Association, the famous ...
K “So, what are we gonna do?” 2 “Don’t ask me” K “We’re at a crossroads” 2 “Is Mr. Hohman listening to this radio show now?” K “Probably if he isn’t asleep” 2 “Ha ha. What if he’s slepping……” K “He shouldn’t be. I...
Ring Ring...... Ring Ring...... It rings. It will ring. It will ring for sure. That’s what I thought one afternoon. It was Hohman as I expected. Hohman "Hello. It's Hohman, the mystery man" K "Ahh...... W...
It's 2027. Born in 2007, the main character K has no girlfriend and is part of a cultural minority with few friends. In a paperless age with no books, magazines and newspapers, K collects the old media of the 20th cen...
The next day. While I was relaxing in my room, 21LO hurried to the room. As I was busy for my work at Time Company, he went to meet the curious guy for me. 2 “Whew…… I went to Club Swamp…… Dashing cut me the ha...
K “Ok. So who is your favorite star? I like Asimov, Mr. T, Stan Leedanny Elfmanm, David Byrne, ECD and of course N.S.O.W. Crew” 2 “Ah, K likes NEW SHIT ON THE WEB” K “NEW SHIT ON THE WEB is a major star, right? Th...
Forgetting the main point of the radio show, the 2 of us turned into talking heads. Recording soon began our routine work. We are like on top of the world as we aren't not used to be praised. The radio show is ...
At 11 a.m. in the next day. Pi. Voice “Hello” Never heard of the voice before. A man’s voice dried a bit. K “Hello… Who is it?” V “No, I didn’t shout” K “Huh? What is this in the morning?” V “I listened...
K “Well well, everybody. Thank you for your feedback” 2 “Getting carried away, here is Vol. 2” K “Yeah we are excited” 2 “What the hell did they like our talk about?” K “Basically books and radio programs are cens...
Pi. The next day my ear equipment received a call from 21LO. Today a cleaning official is supposed to come. Sleepy hell. K “Yeah. What’s the matter? I was sleeping.” 2 “Hey. Wake up! The sky looks like it's...