2027Text: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa

After you make something, the next thing you do is promote it.
Getting in 21LO’s car, we visit an older college friend, Nomura-san aka “broadcastmania”.

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The Next Day

Oh, no. I slept like crazy. I took a day off without permission.
Well, the sky looks weird. It looks really weird lately.

The next thing we should do is announce the book via an audio network. I’m quite reluctant to do it but we have no choice but to depend on Nomura-san aka Java the Hat of the broadcasting club. After work during the day at Time Company where I work, he goes back to sleep during night in the broadcast room at the Melt School where 21LO and I graduated from. It’s like half a squat. But, to step in to the audio network, we have no other choice but to use the prohibited equipment. There is nobody but insensitive Nomura-san who keeps such a thing without freaking out.

21LO will soon come to pick me up riding in his father’s special HONDA hydrocycle (runs with water and little bioethanol) . If you use the cycle, it takes 10 minutes to get to the school through turnpike. If you are lucky enough, it’s possible to see the smoked out Mt. Fuji, which became a symbol of death because of its small eruption 5 years ago. I kinda like the shape.

Beep, beep, beep.

K “Yeah, did you arrive?”
2 “Yeah, I’m in downstairs. I scratched the cycle. It sucks.”
K “Gee. I don’t think you’re cut out for manual steering!”
2 “Shut up. Come hurry.”

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Passing through turnpike.
BGM is Autobahn.

Text: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa
Translation: Mariko Takei
Photos: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.