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NEWSText: Aya Shomura


A space-first poem core idol owtn.’s first solo exhibition “owt(e)n.” will be held at Clark Gallery+SHIFT, from April 4th.


As the leading person of girl Poemcore, she just debuted in summer 2013, from Internet poem core lebel “POEMCORE TOKYO”. The style for reading a poem of her own has made a splash, with putting on sophisticated track by Munenoli Yano, she performed at the fashion show of “CREATIVE HOKKAIDO NIGHT IN TAIPEI” last November and “Art Fair Sapporo 2014” that global galleries gathered. Besides such an icon transmitting new culture to the world from Sapporo, she has formed “team owtn.” an artwork team with creators in Sapporo such as minaco. a photographer. Hoping her further activity.

For this time, exhibiting costumes wore in live performances, displaying photo panel shot for the small press “zine” selling at this exhibition and screening MV. As an idol of course, you can get a glimpse also her little adult side. Sales limited ZINE with poemcore newly written during the term. Opening event will be held on April 4th, and her live performance is to start from around 20:00.

owtn. first solo exhibition: “owt(e)n.”
Date: April 4th – 30th, 2015
Open: 11:00 – 19:00 (closed on Monday and the 3rd Tuesday)
Place: Clark Gallery+SHIFT
Address: 2F MUSEUM, South 3 East 2, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
Admission: 500 yen with one drink
Tel: +81 (0)11 596 7752

Text: Aya Shomura

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.