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NEWSText: vicente gutierrez

German quarterly magazine Mono.Kultur has initiated a Kickstarter project to support the production of their first artist book with Robert Montgomery.


Robert Montgomery is a fine artist based in London who works with poertry but instead of publishing in book form, Robert throws places them into public space as large light installations or billboards placed among other advertisements.

On their page, the editors tell us, “Robert never signs his work – so when you come across one if his billboards in the streets, you don’t really know where the message came from, but you immediately know who it is addressed to: it is addressed to you – to all of us. His work is not only breathtakingly beautiful, but it also conveys the sense of a very sincere and personal investment – it raises fundamental questions about the world we live in, and how we live in it…. Robert has an amazing way with words. You can instantly relate to his general unease with our modern life – but his works are also open-ended enough for you to bring in your own emotions and experience. They never preach, but rather want to communicate with you – to make you stop in your tracks, and to look at things in a different light.”

Check out this project’s Kickstarter page to watch a video to learn more about the project.

Robert Montgomery “Echoes of Voices in the High Towers”
Duration: August 29th – September 24th, 2012

Text: vicente gutierrez

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.