2027Text: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa

The Medium is the Message
Graphic design: Hideki Inaba

The Medium is the Message by Herbert Marshall McLuhan

I have been familiar with media or the net for as long as I can remember. More than 20 years ago, however, people had no sense of them then.

There didn’t exist the net for a while before I was born. I heard there were many people who had no clue about the content of the classic movie “The Matrix”. I heard there was a stabbing incident caused by people arguing about the movie’s content. Which is an argument between husband and wife (laughs). Can you imagine such a world?

As you take a look at the sense of media in the past, it almost looks like science fiction. Or how our current world has evolved from science fiction, by any chance? Am I embracing the illusion too much? If you want to relive these feelings, please try reading this book. And the cover design for this 2018 edition (This Japanese version is the 3rd edition. An overall glaring LCD cover.) is very attractive.

Anyway, I’d like to ask the ruler of the world and also the workers to tremble while reading this book. Well, they must have read it already I guess……

Text: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa
Translation: Mariko Takei
Photos: Kurando Furuya, Hitoshi Odajima, Tomoki Kurokawa

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