PEOPLEText: Gisella Lifchitz
Cristian Turdera has created a dream world for us. When I entered his place, I found myself in the middle of one of those children’s books, the ones you won’t let go, those books that will remain forever inside your deepest thoughts and fantasies.
Photo: Paulo Fast
Getting to know Christian’s universe is like travelling inside the time machine. Suddenly I was 5 again and my grandfather would wake me up with a story, a fantastic new story he would make up for me every morning.
There I was, listening to Christian’s voice transporting me to those incredible years of my childhood. All I could think about was how great is to do what he does. He draws stories for children, he tells his own stories with endearing characters we learn to love the minute we see them. We want to be children again. Or we are, while we avidly read those books.
Cristian Turdera studied graphic design and now he combines both tasks, illustration and design, he can’t separate one from the other. That’s why his colours, shapes and lines seem to have been there forever, as if they created themselves.
Right now he works as Arts Chief at Pequenio Editor (Little Editor), a lovely children’s book publishing company. This small company published two of his books, “Queen Mab” and “Decided Song”. He also designed these books plus his other illustrated book “Pototo, three times a monster”.
Pequenio Editor is an editorial project, and this year it became more alive than ever. They just launched four new books and had a short and sweet presentation at a bookstore in Palermo, where children and adults shared their passion for reading, learning and exploring new worlds. “We edit the books we’d want to buy, that’s our criteria”, Turdera tells me.
“When studying graphic design, says Cristian, I met Elenio Pico, one of my teachers. It was the most important thing that happened to me while I was in college. He hasn’t taught me to draw but to think. I learned that illustration is about ideas more than techniques or styles. We’ve become friends; he’s the person that, in a way, forced me to do what I do now, and nothing else”.
“After that, I started drawing for a big publisher’s company, and then I became part of the Illustrators Forum. From that moment, lots of good things happened at the same time and now I’m just working with illustration”, tells Cristian. “This is just a job, like any other, it’s like being a shoemaker, if you work hard, you can succeed. I really like to work and see my work in a book, I believe books are the natural support for illustrations, I have a fetish for books, of course”, he says smiling gently.
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