NIKE 公式オンラインストア


PEOPLEText: Gisella Natalia Lifchitz

They say you find things when you’re not looking for them. In this case, this is completely true. I don’t know what led me to the Internet that night but I surely know what kept me there, cruising for a long while as if I was in some kind of unexpected and marvellous trip.

Anhdres‘s world is full of surprises and shooting stars; and the best part is that we don’t know where to start this experience.

So we decide to follow his lead and travel through the illustrations. Here we discover the surreal part, the psychology that lies beyond every one of his beautiful drawings. But there’s also a subtle irony, not sad or sarcastic but hopeful and naif. At first we might think they are children’s drawings but then we discover he’s addressing to our inner kid, the one that’s always awake in some of us. After all this, we realize he’s also showing us his real world; and of course it’s so complicated for an artist to separate real life from art.

Isn’t a work of art supposed to be a reflection of one’s every day’s life and experiences?

When we sit face to face I get to touch and smell the drawings and they are way more beautiful on the table than on screen. And Andres Fernandez Cordon also comes to life and materializes just in front of me. Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that these creative creatures actually exist.

“I graduated from the University of Cinema“, Andres tells me. He’s not sure why he studied there but he uses all the technical information he acquired there for improving his work as an illustrator. When it comes to his passion, drawing, Andres is a self taught. “I always drew, I started doing it with my father, he’s an architect so I stood beside him and drew”.

“Some years ago I joined an Association of Illustrators for children books, because I didn ‘t know exactly what to do with my desire to be a professional illustrator”, Andres comments. “That helped me a lot. I participated in a children’s book exhibition and that brought me more freelance work”.

Andres is unique because he’s got a deep technological knowledge which he demonstrates at his animations, thoughtful, realistic and visually simple. He works with the ideas of recurrence and circular time. In his experience, he learned to work alongside with hazard, as great artists do.

Right now he’s working as a freelance illustrator for English and Spanish books for students. He claims to be “very lucky” because he’s doing just what he likes and is being paid for that. In a way, a part of the world is returning him the things he’s been giving to everyone: love and fantasy in colour papers.

In his website and blog, he’s always opened his doors and windows for everyone to participate and exchange ideas with him. And that kind of act has its compensation.
“I participated in many projects online, with people and friends I don’t even know face to face”, Andreas tells me. One example of that is the animation called “Behind the flashes”, where he worked with Christopher Marquardt (from Germany), Gary Brewer (from the UK), Bassem Boustany (Lebanese) and Tim Richards (Canadian).

Who knows what will come next in this trip. We don’t know and Andres doesn’t know for sure. But we know we don’t have to expect anything to happen, and we will find our next best thing only if we don’t look for it.

Text: Gisella Natalia Lifchitz

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