Buenos Aires,the capital and largest city of Argentina has many advantages. One of them is its cosmopolite way of mixing cultures, from its native and popular culture to its amazing Italian and French architecture. The weather is hot during the most part of the year making it easy to go around the city all day long, discovering the "hundred and one barrios portenos" (typical way of naming the different neighborhoods). You can't miss La Boca, San Telmo, Palermo, or Puerto Madero, nowadays the trendiest points of this city. The Obelisco is the distinctive sign of Buenos Aires as well as tango, which is the dance-label to recognize how is the Argentinean classic lifestyle. - Text: Celeste Najt
  • Gisella Lifchitz

    ジゼッラ・リフシッツGisella Lifchitz

    Photo: Violeta Solaas

    Gisella Lifchitz has been introducing Buenos Aires culture as a contributor since the beginning of the SHIFT. She works as an artist in Buenos Aires, mainly focusing on collage illustrations. This time, as we heard that she worked on an illustration of Argentina’s first translation book of “The Little Prince”, we interviewed her about the book and her activities so far.SHIFT創刊初頭からコントリビューターとしてブエノスアイレスのカルチャーを紹介し続けてきたジゼッラ・リフシッツ。コラージュによる挿絵を中心にブエノスアイレスで作家活動を行っている。この度、「星の王子さま」のアルゼンチン初の翻訳本出版の挿絵を手がけたということで、本についてとこれまでの活動について伺った。

  • Pablo Di Marco

    パブロ・ディ・マルコPablo Di Marco

    Photo: © Gisella Lifchitz

    When I first met Pablo Di Marco I noticed something very unique about him: he looks like a teenager but his eyes are always nostalgic, even sad. As if he has lived a thousand years. Or maybe a thousand lives, like the main characters of his novels.
    When I ask him about the sadness in his eyes, he says he was never “a cheerful boy”, being an only child raised by old people. Maybe that explains it.

  • Patricio Lix Klett

    パトリシオ・リクス・クレテイットPatricio Lix Klett

    Patricio Lix Klett Photo © Amparo Bernabe

    Patricio Lix Klett is one of the most successful independent designers in Buenos Aires. He has studied industrial design in the University of Buenos Aires and in TaiK University in Helsinki (which nowadays belongs to Aalto University). He owns La Feliz –with his wife Celeste Bernardini-, a very special nest of craft and design.パトリシオ・リクス・クレテイットはブエノスアイレスで、デザイナーとして成功している人物の一人である。彼はブエノスアイレス大学とTaiK(ヘルシンキ芸術デザイン大学)で工業デザインを専攻。現在は妻のセレステ・ベルナルディーニとともに、クラフトとデザインに特化した「ラ・フェリツ」を経営している。

  • Fernando Trocca

    フェルナンド・トロッカFernando Trocca

    © Fernando Trocca

    Fernando Trocca started his cooking career when he was 10 years old, while looking at his grandmother in the kitchen. He was very close to her during his childhood幼少期に祖母と一緒にいることの多かったフェルナンド・トロッカは、彼女の料理を見よう見まねで身につけ、10歳から「料理」のキャリアをスタートさせた。18歳で料理人の道へ進み

  • Fresco Restaurante

    フレスコ・レストランテFresco Restaurante

    © Fresco

    Fresco (Fresh) is a new kind of restaurant: organic quality fast food. What’s the idea behind it? Monserrat is one of Buenos Aires’s work epicentresフレスコ(フレッシュ)は、オーガニックなファストフードという新しい種類のレストラン。このアイディアはどこからきているのだろうか?モンセラットは、ブエノスアイレスの

  • Fabric Sushi

    ファブリック・スシFabric Sushi

    © Fabric

    Don’t expect that eating sushi in Buenos Aires will strictly follow the rules of traditional japanese sushi. In Occident, sushi is still being one of the trendiest food, but ブエノスアイレスで味わう寿司は、日本の伝統的なものとは一味違う。寿司は西洋では最も人気のある食の一つだが、ここではペルー料理などの地元で馴染みのある味と融合しているのだ

  • Editor Market

    エディター・マーケットEditor Market

    © Javier Agustin Rojas

    Downtown Buenos Aires is truly magical, and probably the most illustrative area of the city’s old days charm. I can bet this was one of the main reasons whyブエノスアイレスのダウンタウンは本当に不思議で、おそらくこの都市の古き良き時代の魅力が溢れるエリアであろう。それが、この区域に新しいデパート「エディター・マーケット」がオープンした理由

  • Oporto Almacen

    オポルト・アルマセンOporto Almacen

    © Oporto Almacen

    Buenos Aires is a city with very nice areas, some of them are very easy to find while some others not. One of them is Nuñez, which is located in Northern part of the cityブエノスアイレスは非常に美しい地区がいくつもある都市。簡単に見つけることができる地区やできない地区など様々だが、その一つに街の北部に位置するヌニェスがある。道の途中には立派な家や緑地があり

  • 情報がまだありません。
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