Fons Matthias Hickmann is a 37 years old German graphic designer. He is born in Ruhrgebiet, Germany. Fons Matthias Hickmann is the fourth son of Franzi und Erwin Hickmann. Fons Hickmann lived in Duesseldorf for ten years, where he studied photography and design after breaking off his studies in Germanistics and philosophy. At the same time he studied Aesthetics and Theories of media in Wuppertal, while still spending a large part of his time travelling.
For three years Fons Hickmann, which he runs with Gesine Grotrian-Steinweg, has been one of the most rewarded studios in the world.
At the moment Fons Hickmann is as a professor for graphic design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Austria. The work of the studio Fons Hickmann m23 is intelligent, conceptual, analytical but have a sense for humor. The operating field includes corporate design, book- and poster design, editorial design and digital media.
“Touch Me There” is the first comprehensive monographie about “Fons Hickmann m23”. The book presents published and unpublished works. Also guest contributions from writers and artists, in the form of interview. The monographie is published bilingual in German and English, by Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin.
“Touch me There” is divided in eight parts, which reflected the subjects from Fons Hickmann’s work: music, philosophy, football, architecture, film, politics, art and theater. The book had a guide system, how the reader can navigate individually through the sites. Every of the eight chapter begin and end with a just colored site. And after the picture part follows an interview part, which started with a quotation, printed on a different paper. A chapter presents about ten projects.
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