HAPPENINGText: Patricia Gauna
This is not the first time that a brand like VANS, invite other art disciplines to act over its shoes. Last edition of the alternative fashion “CIRCUIT” by exellence in Barcelona was a good example: two young designers used Vans in a very accurate way for a naive clothes collection.
But in Customize Me VANS had the luxury that more than 40 designers from all over the world intercepted and fired multiple new creative posibilities.
The event was organized by PUPU in collaboration with MODAFAD, (one of the most interesting places for experimental arts in Barcelona). Very originals press-conference and exposition, showed the creativity of this brand to join marketing strategies with diverse artistic dimensions (mode, design, illustrations, comics, manga esthetic.)
Linda Zacks inserted George Bush into a VANS piece like riding a horseback in a clear “cowboy style”, aiming with his guns to Sadam Hussein into other shoes, both with its own flags over an area full of dollars and dead men.
In the same “policy”, but not in ready-made Peter Fuss simply wrote “George Bush, non pleasant person”.
Belsi Enne tituled its ready-made like “Made in Love”, probably inspired in his clothes collection, in some way recreating the boys-scout imaginary with a very clever patchwork. A very close connection with some of its hats designs like “Mister Fidel” or “Ghetto Bogart”, humoristic and political referencies mixed with art.
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