GRETE STERN "DREAMS 1948 – 1951"
NEWSText: mariko takei

Grete Stern Botella del mar (Sueño Nº 5), 1950 Fotomontaje en blanco y negro sobre papel 24 x 30 cm Colección Eduardo F. Costantini, Buenos Aires
An exhibition showing Grete Stern’s Dreams 1948 – 1951 is held at MALBA, with the complete collection of 46 photomontages Vintage Grete Stern Dreams series published between 1948 and 1951. The pieces on display are members of the private collection of Edward F. and are one of the five games signed by the artist in the world.
Grete Stern “Dreams 1948 – 1951”
Date: February 25th – April 25th, 2011
Open: 12:00-20:00 (Wednesday till 21:00)
Closed on Tuesdays
Place: MALBA
Address: 3415 Figueroa Alcorta Ave., Recoleta, Buenos Aires
Tel: +54 11 4808 6500
Text: mariko takei