This was the 13th Edition of ArteBA Fair in Buenos Aires. This fair works as a platform for information and knowledge of our regional art, where we can see a strong presence of curators and an important participation of art galleries, institutions and entities that support and spread our contemporary art. In addition, they organize debates where different people discuss about art throughout the week. This fair has taken place from the 19th to the 25th of May, in the Rural Society, Palermo.
This time, a new contest was created to favor the participation of the many collectives that interact in the local art scene right now in Buenos Aires. It is called “Proyecto Red” (Net Project). This was the real news in ArteBA, because some of the collectives decided to subvert the monotone system to create instead a vivid powerful environment where outsiders can relate.
From their point of view, the purpose of the contest is double: to introduce the last tendencies and else, open new ways of circulation and acknowledgement of argentine artists. The selected groups offered an interesting map of the cultural movement. They were:
Venus Project: a multidisciplinary net, created two years ago by artists who wanted to project their freedom and promote their expressionism and desires. They call themselves as “pleasure makers” and are presenting Arte B, a TV channel that is transmitting throughout the fair while some of the programs are: Porchimentos, To the Rhythm of Market, One Awards, among others.
Eloisa Cartonera: a net where artists, writers and cartoneros (a new social group here in BA who work in the streets at night collecting paper and cardboard to sell it for recycling) work together and they present this time their editorial proposal “Cartonera Dance”, an installation with unique books written and painted by the hand of famous writers.
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