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HAPPENINGText: Ayumi Yakura

Art Fair Sapporo 2016, an international contemporary art fair, in which 18 commercial galleries inside and outside of Japan gathered together, exhibited and sold artworks selected by art dealers of each city. It was held at hotel rooms of Cross Hotel Sapporo in last November.

People might think that art has to be seen quietly on the white walls of the museum. However, the art fair held at the hotel was different. Each guest room was an exhibition booth and artworks were displayed with bed and sofa. Through this fair, you could imagine life with art. As usual, 2 floors were closed for this fair. By visiting the hotel rooms, people could see various kinds of art. Even guests may not have knowledge about art, they could enjoy the conversation with the exhibitors and could learn the thoughts from artists and different episodes.

Room 1305 YOD Gallery (Osaka)

This event is held every year to “create an art market”, which is necessary for establishing art and culture in the urban cities. The 4th anniversary this year, enjoying “purchasing for artwork” took the lead much more than last year. Smiles of visitors could be seen a lot when visitors found their favorites. The number of the visitors is increasing every year and the sales of this year recorded 120% increase compared to the last year.

Collaborated with “Unknown Asia”, new taste art fair, which provided an opportunity for the next generation in Asia, “Portfolio Review” was held to artists before the fair this year.

[Cooperative Event] Unknown Asia “Portfolio Review” Supported by Peach

The reviewers were Yoshihiro Taniguchi (FM802 / Digmeout), producer of Unknown Asia Hiroaki Shono (Vision Track / Ubies), producer of “Asian Creative Award”, and Kentaro Tatsuka who joined “Unknown Asia 2015” as a judge. It was a precious opportunity for Sapporo artists to get reviews from the key persons who have international visions of contemporary art. Furthermore, one of the artists who participated this event is invited to exhibit “Unknown Asia 2017” for free.

On the second day, special talk event “How to enjoy art fair” was held. Navigator was Kentaro Totsuka, who was born in Sapporo and director of hpgrp Gallery, producer of “Aosando Art Fair” in Tokyo and “New City Art Fair” in New York and Taipei, and advisor of this fair. Special guests were Hiroko Ishinabe, representative of “One-piece Club” and Kenichi Yamamoto (architect), director of Hokkaido brunch of the Club.

[Special Event] Cross Talk “How to Enjoy Art Fair”

One-piece Club is for a group of contemporary art collectors who enjoy purchasing at least one art work a year and aim to develop an art market. Owning artwork is not a privilege for the rich class. With a little clue, people found their favorite piece like treasure hunting and display wherever they want in their room. There is no substitute for this fulfillment. Finding of Hokkaido brunch this year was extended to the whole Hokkaido.

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Hiromi Tango