NEWSText: mariko takei

Celebrating 40 years in 2010 MIS (Museum of Image and Sound) exhibits ROJO®NOVA – Contemporary Culture, a collaborative exhibition organized by ROJO®. A multidimensional international show which will take place at the effervescent cultural scene of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from the 1st of July to 15th of August 2010, showcasing gigs, art interventions, audiovisuals and workshops.


ROJO®NOVA is a work in progress show, where the creative process is in evidence and can be viewed by the visitors. Also the art is produced in collaboration between the artists from all over the world. The result will be a combination of visual arts, experimentalism, contemporary techniques, technology and ravishment.

A selection of avant-garde national and international artists and musicians shows the innovative character of ROJO®NOVA – Contemporary Culture, mixing young talent with acclaimed professionals of the new contemporary art such as Mark Jenkins, Maya Hayuk, Tofer Chin, Krink, Kit Webster, Flávio Samelo, Ryoichi Kurokawa, Robert Seidel, Fuck Buttons, Tunng, Sin Fang Bous, Isan, Objeto Amarelo, among others.

ROJO®NOVA – Contemporary Culture
Date: July 1st – August 15th, 2010
Open: 12:00 – 19:00 (Closed on Monday)
Place: Museum of Image and Sound (MIS)
Address: Avenida Europa, 158, Jardim Europa, São Paulo
Tel: +55 1121 1747
Entrance: R$4 and R$2 (students); free for over 65 years old and on Sundays.

Text: mariko takei

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.
Marianna Dobkowska