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PEOPLEText: Yurie Hatano

This month’s SHIFT cover was designed by Edvard Scott who operates his little one-man-studio from the usually cold country of Sweden. Since he started doing illustrations and design he’s been involved in numerous projects with clients such as Mini Cooper, L’Oreal, Flaunt and many others. Scott currently works as an in-house designer at Stockholm Design Lab.

He has worked with SHIFT previously creating the cover design for SHIFT 2006 Calendar, and now will display a series of work titled “Everything Works” at SOSO from 20th May to 15th June. “Motion Wall” will be completed with this cover design projected at the exhibition.

Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

I was born here in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1985. I have no formal training in graphic design, however I was an intern at Stockholm Design Lab (SDL) for three months in 2004 and I learned a lot there. I’m currently a full-time employee at SDL.

How did you start illustration and design?

I’ve done a couple interviews and I always get asked this question, and so far I’ve not come up with a single good answer. Honestly, I’m not sure. I can’t recall a certain thing or happening that made me start.

What kind of works or projects are you spending most of your time these days?

As I wrote above I’m a full-timer at SDL. I do couple of creative collaborations, mainly illustrations, in addition to working at SDL. Just keep your eyes at my homepage if you want to know what I’m up to.

What is your obsession about your design, especially in colour?

I don’t think I obsess about anything particular in my design; I’m always trying to define new things, whether it’s a colour, shape, pattern or whatever. Trying, trying, trying is probably one of the few things I obsess about.

What made you apply to SHIFT 2006 Calendar Competition? And could you describe about your work?

I submitted my work because I liked the stuff you guys printed the year before and that inspired me.

I create my illustration in two steps. In the first step I created the “top” layer (the illustrative part). And after that I completed the illustration with the background (the coloured stripes).

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