HAPPENINGText: Yoshihisa Abe
The winner of the Interactive Art Prize, “Can you see me now?” by Mixed Reality Laboratory (UK) is a hi-tech version of the game, “tag”. Each player via GPS sensors to confirmed the positions of other players and subsequently ran after them. The video I watched didn’t present the game as very enthralling, but perhaps you have to take part in it to do it justice.
Mixed Reality Laboratory “Can you see me now?”
The Ars Electronica Centre Exhibition picks entries from the competition entries that were not chosen for prizes and displays them over the year at the centre. Noteworthy works included Sachiko Kodama and Minako Takeno‘s “Protrude, Flow”, consisting of a magnetic liquid which reacts to sound as though it’s alive. Their table was never short of spectators.
Minim++ “KAGE”
Many were also gathered around Minim++’s “KAGE“, the shadows’ unexpected movements quite startling.
NHK Digista Exhibition
The CODE exhibition and Electro Lobby were held on the first and second floor of the Brucknerhaus. The CODE exhibition brought together those works particularly relevant to its namesake, this year’s theme. John Maeda, NHK’s Digista, and W. Bradford Paley, who took the Grand Prize at last year’s ACA Media Arts Festival, could all be found here.
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