HAPPENINGText: Maria Paz Pedreros, Daniel Ramirez

Nokia became a sponsor this year, as a way to encourage designers and media developers to develop new stuff for their mobile phones, as they are incorporating flash applications. They gave a special Nokia Award for the application that they thought would be great and possible to play on a mobile phone. The winners were Dudu-Lab (Argentina) with their flash animation Titan. they are also contributors of Innothna in Barcelona.

Nokia section

Diesel were the home sponsor last year and this present share their exclusiveness with Nokia. Last year’s winner of their ‘Diesel Award for emerging talent” came to share his experience: his award last year gave him the opportunity to move to Italy and work with the Diesel Group in some projects, having such a good success that he’s now a part of the creative team of the company. He was present this year to give this year’s award to one new lucky talented person.

Diesel Laboratory

One of the funniest and more interesting pieces of the festival were the artist’s exhibitions: AZ2-LAB made a digital mounted animation themed on heroism in the current global political climate and in modern warfare. Randommedia made “Fly”: You were able to make a virtual flight in a 3D World using your arms as wings sensored by little plastic balls.

Computer game made by ADVERSATIVE & UNA CHINA EN MI ZAPATO, called “SUPER HERO QUEST” as a response for this year’s festival main theme.

HuglyForDesign and Olofsdotter made their ‘bathroom performance; Random Studios showed ‘Inodoros’ Dirty experiences of technology’.

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