Tell us about your last project.

J: Innsonik, a videogame based on the visualization of sound. The beats, the loops and the sonic textures are the ones that generate the visual environment and the mechanics of
the game. It’s an interactive experience between music, electronic arts and videogaming. It’s a short tale, but you can always come back cause it works like a musical Lego and you can use it to make sequences of sounds in infinite ways. The one thing that it contains, and that is common to some other videogames, is that it’s more important to be in the game than to reach an end. We are going to present it in Perpignan, France in February. In March there will be a free demo downloadable from our website.

On what artistic and professional projects do you see Innothna in December 2003?

L: We would like to be developing a multiuser playing environment in 3D.

D: I would like to break the mystery of doing something for a console. Even if it was just to move a pixel in X.

C: I would love to work more outside Spain.

J: I would like to dedicate more time for a single project, so we could center on it and reach the deeps of it within an idea. I have the feeling that we are still staying on the surface in projects that could give much more of themselves. It’s our fault anyway, cause at the end we get bored of everything.

If Innothna had the oportunity to transmit a message to the world using the Internet, TV, radio, and all other media, what would it be?

J: I wouldn’t transmit anything. It would be an hour of media silence. It would be great! An hour without radio, internet, or tv.

D: Hear/read this phrase.

L: I would transmit a big laugh with good vibes.

C: Do not attack Iraq.

Innothna Artcomm
Address: 13 Sant Marc, Barcelona 08012
Tel: +34 932 37 9624

Text: D76

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.