PLACEText: Nicolas Roope

Anticlimactic millennium, anticlimactic millennium dome. We’ve all heard about it and how much it cost (although this is still less than The place was described by Lina (who took the photos) as half circus, half museum. Sounds pretty good to me.

I’m enjoying reading watching and listening to people trying to sum up the last 2000 years and trying to predict the next. Here’s my version:

1000 – 2000 yrs was good but had its problems
2000 – 3000 yrs will be good but have its problems

Anyway, what’s a thousand years these days?

For those of you who map your universe to the birth of Jesus, have a good one, for those who don’t; enjoy the free party.

Text: Nicolas Roope
Photos: Nicolas Roope

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Marianna Dobkowska