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NEWSText: Satsuki Miyanishi

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The annual Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition at Ginza Graphic Gallery is coming up again soon this April. The “Tokyo Type Directors Club Exhibition 2014” presents the results of the “Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2014,” an annual international design competition sponsored by the Tokyo Type Directors Club.


The Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2014 drew a total of 2,958 entries (1,960 from Japan and 998 from overseas). Following a rigorous screening process, the following prizes were awarded: 1 Grand Prize, 4 TDC Prizes, 3 Special Prizes, 1 RGB Prize, 1 Book Design Prize, and 1 Type Design Prize.

As an international design competition, in a typical year the TDC Awards honors numerous outstanding works from overseas whose originals are only rarely available for viewing in Japan. This year, however, all the awards went to Japanese entrants with the exception of Grand Prize winner Brighten the Corners. The selected domestic works reflect the discriminating judgment of the TDC, with each making a powerful statement.

The TDC Exhibition features more than 100 typographical works including the eleven award-winners as well as a selection of nominated works and other outstanding entries. The richly expressive collection is well worth a look, encompassing works that demonstrate the potential of typography and raise important issues.

TDC Exhibition 2014
Date: April 4th – 28th, 2014
Open: 11:00 – 19:00 (Saturday till 18:00)
Closed on Sunday, Public holidays
Place: Ginza Graphic Gallery
Address: DNP Ginza Bldg., 7-7-2 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Admission Free
Tel: +81 (0)3 3571 5206

Text: Satsuki Miyanishi

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.