NIKE 公式オンラインストア


PEOPLEText: Julio Cesar Palacio

The Otakulab team comes from documentary and videoart background. The tandem formed by the italian artist Francesco Jodice and american artist Kal Karman straddles video art and sociological documentary seeking the blurred line where reality supercedes fiction in entertainment, because, as Mark Twain said once “Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth on the other hand isn’t”.


Projects like “Rear window”, “Hikikomori”, “Secret Traces” and “What We Want” explore visually the lyricism of everyday life and the reality of human condition. Their last work “City Tellers” is now being featured in the TATE Modern of London.


Recently Otakulab is working together with the Barcelona production company Agosto. With this incorporation, Agosto seeks to introduce new talents in its directors roster. The objective is to promote cross pollination between the artistic and the advertising areas.


I asked Michel Parra, designer for Agosto to have a little chat with the Otaku team. Here is the result:

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