After that in the big tent (Terminal S), with a bit of delay the Islandic band Sigur Ros caught the audience with their powerful progressive enviromental rock, presented as intense and absolute as they always do. This tension, fullfilment, hystery, claustrophobia, happiness and many other feelings mixed at the same time in a Sigur Ros show is just amazing.
Sigur Ros
After a breathless and emotional first part and with the senses running fast, it was time to remember the 90’s which came with Daft Punk in the top of a L.E.D.S piramid where Guy-Manuel and Thomas showed up with robot masks.
Daft Punk
Definitively the best scenography of the whole Festival, it was incredible just to watch all the images and lights and listen to dance super classics as “Around the World”.
Massive Attack brought the trip-hop and sensual electro, with a mix of groove dub and hip hop samples in a great and relaxed show.
Fat Boy Slim
Continuing the dancing time, the different stages were filled by Fat Boy Slim, James Murphy (LCD Soundsystem), and Amable.
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