COLETTEText: Linlee Allen

Former Aussie and now try-hard Parisien writer Linlee Allen wholly confesses to being the “all-round groupie” of concept store colette, located in the French capital. Having participated in the world-famous boutique’s range of events across the globe, whether it be performing in a radio show in Copenhagen, photographing guests at a party in Japan or being the first – and the last – one on the dancefloor at a CD launch party in New York, she relates to the colette way of life and here, lists her favourite finds from colette for the Autumn 06 season ahead.

colette water bar book
A psycho-poetic book series spotlighting dialogue between floral arrangements and atmosphere in the colette water war spanning such botanical breeds as gerbera’s, orchids, pivoines and more.

Cap + Pep skateboard
colette’s favourite canine duo are back, and this time around they are making their presence felt upon a skateboard. Paris-based graphic designers Kuntzel + Deygas bring Caperino + Peperone to life as fans are forced to remember that “skateboarding to colette is not a crime!”

Strida Fold-Away Bicycle
The worldwide launch gets set to fall into effect at colette in August. Check this out: created by Unique industries, these bikes are produced in aluminium and weigh only 9.5 kilos. They fold away in five seconds flat (and yes, that is a world record).

Burfitt t-shirts
The coolest, most creative illustrations can be seen upon this new collection of cotton T-shirts produced by wonderkind artist Lovisa Burfitt.

Text: Linlee Allen

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