HAPPENINGText: Aya Takada
There is a moment that I feel like holding everything, everyone surrounding me. The messy room, the night beach, and the afternoon park, all the scenes look so beautiful and all of us who share the scenes together become just out of this world. We who are throwing ourselves completely into everyday life are more indomitable and lovely than TV stars and comic book heroes. A young photographer who captures an unvarnished beauty with a personal sense exhibits his personal moments of beauty.
© Tim Barber
Photographer Tim Barber‘s opening reception for his exhibition titled “I am not askin’ to say words like “yes” or “no”” was held at the space specially prepared for his exhibit in Tinseltown, the shopping mall. Several large photographs were shown in a spacious place like a warehouse.
© Tim Barber
Tim Barber is a New York-Vancouver based photographer who is active in multi-culture magazines such as VICE and MADE. Everything in everyday life becomes his subject and he simply, casually records all the beauty from this life. Beauty in a moment of “present” and the space of it fade out quickly. The beauty captured in Barber’s photographs makes people feel sorrow. Friends showing their feelings openly and telling stories meaningfully are certainly the friends only existing in a particular moment. I see Barber clicking the shutter of a camera when he finds a free beauty and I feel Barber’s sad eyes from his photographs.
Snapshot photographs capture private time and space well. A lot of people take photographs in order to hold the precious moments in everyday life. I would like to think the act of photographing represents our good care for this life. The photographs taken by the people who are proud of their life-style naturally appear beautiful. We may record a moment of the present in order to prove ourselves, and we do it for our beautiful life.
Tim Barber “I am not askin’ to say words like “yes” or “no””
Date: May 9th – 17th, 2003
Place: Tinseltown
Address: Keefer St. Vancouver
Text: Aya Takada
Photos: Aya Takada