PEOPLEText: Mayumi Kaneko
So there isn’t a strong concept at the beginning?
Amy: There’s a seed.
Sascha: We both know what we wanna do but it’s not clear, it’s more of a blurry thing.
Amy: It’s like, whenever you have a clear concept in the beginning, it has to seem to be the same.
Sascha: It is a pain to go through until the end.
Amy: Yeah.
Sascha: And if you leave yourself the freedom to change whatever you feel like to change it, it’s much more fun, I think.
Amy: Yeah… like the Holding Pattern(s) piece, we had to decide, we had to propose to the gallery, so everything had to be like this big, this much, this top, everything had to be done. So I made it 3D and when we had built it, it looks exactly like that and one step before it was done, there was an studio that was beautiful “Oh! I like it like this” but we couldn’t. We had to go to the next step to finish it. Like we worked, there was no surprise because we comped everything to have been worked out. It was 3 months of work to make it. So it’s like “I like it but I’ve seen it” it’s not so exciting to me. As we work together, at the end of the work “Oh! I’ve never thought it would be like this.”
So working together is much fun for you.
Sascha : Definitely.
Amy: Totally, we can fight… we don’t fight actually but… we discuss things. But usually it’s not about a project. It’s about like some spiritual thing….
Sascha: I think… work is just on the top of our connection. Work is what we express but we work on completely different things actually. (That’s the reason we do nothing only with media. It’s just a channel.)
Futurefarmers’ stuff, they are almost alway soft. You don’t like bright colors?
Amy: I’m getting more into bright colors. Now I like blue. I never like blue before. I guess, like when I did the Holding Pattern(s) project, there are bright birds inside of the ball and outside there was screen, so the bird looking pale, and I kept thinking “Why do I always cover everything up and make it pale? Why is it?” and for me it just like it’s more dreamy, it’s soft…
Sascha: It’s not so defined. You can always imagine something.
Amy: Yes, I think so… bright colors, yeah, they scare me sometimes. But see, I’m getting more bright colours.
What’s the Internet for you?
Sascha: For me, the Internet is just a picture that there’s always between us. Like we are all connected through the Internet. And the Internet just tries to project, to show that.
Amy: It’s like a collective consiousness to me. One interesting thing is, if you look at the amount of information that’s on the internet, and what kind is mostly like porn, you know porn is huge, you think about like “wow! that’s what is in our heads! you know?”
Sascha: Yeah! that’s we’re always thinking about the most. If you want to see the pictures, our consiousness is in the Internet.
Amy: It’s also great for me to access original information, especially recently. I tried to reserch some robotic material. Anytime I had questions there’s searching and I find a lecture online or even schools.
Sascha: And everyone has their own channel to say what they want to say. It’s not the controlled medium, it’s the only one I guess. It’s pretty good. You can get in contact with people that think the same even it’s a small group on earth, you still can be connected.
Why you do such a variety of stuff?
Amy: I don’t really ever think that I’m a desiger, like I just like to make things and the Internet is really the fastest way for me to make something. Like you make it, post it and it’s done. But the physical part is lacking. Like there’s no boundaries of full ideas, like if you wanna make a card, you should make a card. And if you wanna build a house, you should build your house. And meeting people like Michael, for instance, he is so inspirational like my father who builds everything. Michael, if you have a candle but no candle holder, he cramps it together. He also pushes what you’re thinking about. When we start thinking about materials and then how light looks like with the material ….. makes you think of more senses than just your sight.
Sascha: I think it’s balances. Like to do something on the material, you can lose all spirit in the world of computers.
Amy: Like Sascha’s sawing now too.
Sascha: Yeah, I love it! It’s nice. It so relaxing somehow to have this piece in your hand and you stop thinking. That’s so nice. With computers you’re in infinity. You never stop thinking.
Tell me about the concept of the cover of Shift this month.
Sascha: For me, it’s to be thrown into the new environment. To be outside of your youth environment and just take it try and see what’s happening. Things evolve naturally.
Amy: Michael, Sascha and I, living in this cabin together and we have this triangle. And everyday we have some spiritual conversation like about the idea of life. And we always kind of somehow agree, we are all connected and there’s this fiber of people and fiber of consiousness. And this cover is like being thrown into some place new and things that you bump into something else and effect. Just like whatever you’re doing effect other people and I just think like this girl is trying to fly and on her way she hits things and then those things get off and falling. So it’s more like, it’s just a play thing but it’s like, when you pull this little gummy, it’s like a little sling shot. Other things are affected by it. And Sascha and Mikel worked on this math problem for like three days to make this happen. It was kind of exciting.
What inspires you?
Amy: Sascha.
Sascha: Amy… I think, everything that surrounds you.
Amy: Right now I’m super inspired by Japanese awnings. Like behind Take’s house, there’s a park, and then for golden week, they had these like food stands by the temple. Foods and games stuff and there was like orange awnings… all these things hanging…. I love that, I don’t know why. So the wedding’s gonna be kind of like that.
Sascha: I think traveling keeps my mind open to see things in a different way. I try to not get used to anything like always appreciate my suroundings. Never think like I know what it is. I’m trying but it’s not so easy. Like keeping a child’s perspective.
Any plans for the future?
Sascha: …………
Amy: …………
Sascha: ………. I don’t really like plans.
So you always wait for a phone call?
Sascha: No, no, it’s not like that….
Amy: We’re going to Italy to teach a workshop at Fabrica.
Sascha: I’m gonna see my son in summer. I eventually want try to make a little agency in San Francisco and Hamburg. It’s more experimental like find a new forms. This is kind of interesting. I’m looking forward to it.
Future Farmers
Address: 1201 B Howard Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Text: Mayumi Kaneko