‘Pandorashope (dedicated to B.L.)’, Koo Jeong A

‘Pandorashope (dedicated to B.L.)’ by Koo Jeong A can be seen in the Daigonji highlands. Ten miniature houses (about 40 centimeters cubed) are installed in three different places and it looks like a small community in the distance. You need to focus your attention to see the small houses. But the artist intends you to feel them with something other than the five senses. You only feel the invisible object there. There are all sorts of art today, but this artist’s idea is modern and innovative.

‘With the Ground-Landscape of Memory’, Keiji Uematsu

‘With the Ground-Landscape of Memory’ by Keiji Uematsu. The theme is ‘everything on earth keeps the balance on mutual relationship’. It consists of blooming trees, rough broken rocks and natural stones. Based on this tense balance, it expresses the relationship between human and nature, the memory of the ground and memory of the earth.

‘The Eternal’, Masafumi Maita

As well as Keiji Uematsu, Masafumi Maita is also working actively based on the relationship between humans and nature, and harmony with environmental situation. His work ‘The Eternal’ can be seen in the Daigonji highlands. The installation rising as if it’s the gate to enter into the natural world unites earth, rock, water and air together by everything the artist has leant from his long village life, from carving and running to gathering and setting. When the sculpture is being covered with plants like ivy, it would give us a different landscape.

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