Tsunan Town, with hundreds of thousands of sunflowers in summer. It’s a place for environmental education that allows a close relationship with nature using visual, tactile, auditory sensation and the sense of smell.


In Tsunami Town, you can see Ken Kageyama’s work ‘HERE _UPON TIME PLACE’. This work has the keywords ‘time, space and place’, and it makes you feel ‘things owned jointly by happenings at a certain time and place’. It’s an ordinary landscape at first sight, but this field is made of chopsticks. The artist collaborated with local people to do this hard work. He said that when a dot was becoming a line, his spiritual world was opening to people.

‘DMOCA (Dagon Museum of Contemporary Art)’, Cai Guo Qiang

The out of the ordinary work ‘DMOCA (Dagon Museum of Contemporary Art)’ by Cai Guo Qiang. Going up inside the grove, there is an installation as if a dragon is actually living inside. In the future, exhibitions will be held inside the ‘museum’. This structure regards Chinese ancient cultures ‘gunpowder’ and ‘divination’ as important, and attempts to get energy from the nature of Tsumari.

‘Bed for the Cold’, Masaaki Nishi

Masaaki Nishi’s ‘Bed for the Cold’ expresses a collaboration with nature. A white fiberglass circle, 10m in diameter, is floating in a blue pond. It would be interesting for both local people and people who visit this region once a year, to see how nature will be involved in this work as time goes by.

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