NIKE 公式オンラインストア



‘TAF (Eye Taxi)’, Yook Keun-Byung

I was also strongly interested in ‘TAF (Eye Taxi)’ by Yook Keun-Byung. Video monitors are displaying human eyes and they are installed on the rooftops of 4 taxis. You were lucky if you could get this taxi. Unfortunately, I could not find it.

‘A Small House – Don’t forget to listen to’, Yoshiaki Ito

‘A Small House – Don’t forget to listen to’ by open competition winner Yoshiaki Ito built a small underground space for just watching a tree across the river. It was just an ordinary tree but it motivated him to create this installation.

‘Water Goddess’, Lee Bul

Lee Bul installed ‘Water Goddess’ over a pond. This work came from a forgotten cloth of a goddess ‘Sun-Nyoh’ in Korean folktale. The cloth made of sparkled beads makes an illusion like it’s flying down from the sky.

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