PEOPLEText: Ayumi Yakura
“New Structure 1, Lamp & Stairs” 2014, 2,140 x 3,500 x 1,650 mm, Inkjet Print, Aluminium, PERIGEE Gallery, Seoul
What did you express through the series of “The Flat”?
I cut out the images from a magazine and make it stand using a thin wire, and then I retake a photograph it. I thought even a paper is a simple sculpture if it can stand. I present the photography of scattered simple sculptures. It is a series of a flat sculpture.
“New Structure 6 Ki and Blue” 2015, 2,000 x 2,200 x 3,000 mm, Inkjet print, Aluminum, Okinawa Contemporary Art Center, Japan
In 2015, you produced a specialized work in Okinawa. Please tell me the detail.
I have exhibited in Okinawa Contemporary Art Center, a noncommercial institution. I was invited to the solo exhibition with two Japanese artists, a Taiwanese artist. I collected the images from photographs that I took in several months before the exhibition.
“New Structure 8, Black Bird & Crystal” 2015, 2,750 x 2,500 x 5,400mm, print on Aluminum
Now you have an exhibition “New Structure and Relief” at Arario Gallery. Could you please explain your new work?
There are “12 New Structure” series from 2014 and I exhibited 11 works in a gallery. I displayed the works if the audiences could feel walking around the work of The Flat series. I collected the images from “The Flat” series and arranged them in the structure of Alexander Calder’s Stabile. Another new series Relief are started from New Structure series. It is made of birch plywoods.
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