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HAPPENINGText: Yoshito Maeoka

Neue National Gallery designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe has been emblematic of Berlin after the war, and now works as a central exhibition space there. In this biennale the works are exhibited on the ground floor, while the basement hosts the gallery’s collections, most of which are comparatively older. Placing new works on the ground floor and previously-chosen works underground, it seems possible to interpret it as a certain metaphor.

5th Berlin Biennale
Nationalgalerie, Daniel Knorr, 2008

At the entrance, a framed sculpture of a big fist made by Piotr Uklański stands toward the sky. Off to the side of that, the gallery desgined by Daniel Knorr stands with the edge of the eaves decorated with fabrics that reminds one of the national flags of each country.

5th Berlin Biennale
Deutsches Volk – Deutsche Arbeit, Goshka Macuga, 2008

Entering the building, across the big barrier-like installation, many pieces of baggage are stored just casually, despite the right cloak. Going back looking a little bit strange and careless at things as if they formed a part of works, visitors are confronted by a glass sculpture by Goshka Macuga. The gallery space separated from the outside with glass, outlines each work with crops of landscape showing impressive forms. The works seem to achieve a structural concord.

5th Berlin Biennale
Pygmalion, Nashashibi/Skaer, 2008

Other impressive pieces are a series of works by Nashashibi/Skaer that utilize heights. The illustrations of Jacob Mishori and Paulina Olowska, the photography of Susanne Kriemann, and the installation of Thea Djordjadze.

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