HAPPENINGText: Wakana Kawahito

“LIFE: Fluid, Invisible, Inaudible…” is an exhibition at NTT Inter Communication Center (ICC) at Shinjuku, Tokyo, from 15th September to 4th November. It is newly corroborated Ryuichi Sakamoto with Shiro Takatani from Dumb Type.

LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible

This exhibition is the reconstruction of “LIFE”, an opera produced by Ryuichi Sakamoto, but it became a totally different from the original. LIFE, played in 1999, Sakamoto’s contemporary opera, is the first work that Sakamoto and Takatani work together. The LIFE reborn as a new installation work at Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), and then, the exhibition brought to ICC, Tokyo this September.

LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible...

It is randomly mingling more than 30 variation of music with 20 variation of visuals, which is programmed by computer. Artificial smog from acrylic water tanks made visuals “fluid” and more vivid. As audience freely appreciate the work though sitting, sleeping and standing under the water tanks, they enjoy being between visible and invisible, audible and inaudible.

LIFE - fluid, invisible, inaudible

I remember the speech by a Director of YCAM at the opening reception. “I though that it is a strange work at the first sight, however, I became liking it as I have looked at everyday. At the end, it was really sad that the work is removed from YCAM.”

This might be a work which could gradually understand real virtue through deliberate appreciation.

LIFE: Fluid, Invisible, Inaudible…
Date: September 15th – November 4th, 2007
Open: 10:00 – 18:00 (Friday until 20:00)
Closed on Mondays
Place: NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC] Gallery A
Address: 4F Tokyo Opera City Tower, 3-20-2 Nishi Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 0120-144199

Text: Wakana Kawahito
Photos: Ryuichi Maruo, Courtesy of NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC]

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.