HAPPENINGText: Eduard Prats Molner

It’s Saturday, last day of the festival. We are really nervous and excited about what’s yet to come. We unfortunately miss Onionlab, a collective / studio dedicated to motion graphic and VJ performances. The afternoon starts with “Under Influence”, a two hour session about motion graphics. On stage, Carlos El Asmar, Justine Cone, Buck and Héctor Ayuso.

From left to right: Buck, Justine Cone, Carlos El Asmar and Héctor Ayuso

Carlos moderates and introduces a little bit the session before Justine Cone starts to talk about his site Motionographer. Motionographer is a Website purely dedicated to the motion graphics scene where to find resources, articles and links to the best companies and individuals all around. Justine talks about visual essays (i.e. and how the motion graphics are becoming quickly the new media for advertisers even in public open spaces.

Buck is one of the best motion graphics agencies nowadays. They show their most recent works – mostly done for TV commercials – and introduce to the audience their studios.

“Motion Graphics have a narrative implicit on the time-based medium”. Buck explains that motion graphics need to tell some stories in order to catch the audience attention. Héctor Ayuso is OFFF festival’s director, general director at the inofffensive agency and professor for the motion graphics program at the BAU Design School in Barcelona. Héctor talks about Renascent, someone who Héctor considers one of the most important motion graphics artists so far.

We have a chance to see the past OFFF credits video by Renascent, before Héctor introduces current’s festival credits work by one of his students.

Finally, Sintevision present a piece done specially for the OFFF this year. 3D! the audience get 3D glasses to fully enjoy that three-dimensional experience. Wow!

The audience enjoys Sintevision’ work designed for the 3D glasses

Matt Pyke, shows his most recent works. He explains how he enjoys working in projects where he collaborates with other individuals. Some of Matt’s latest pieces for Nokia and Audi are using some engines built in Processing which he can re-use differently anytime. Most of this Processing work has been developed by Karsten Schmidt, one of the network collaborators from Universal Everything.

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Marianna Dobkowska