HAPPENINGText: Yoshito Maeoka
Up-and-coming Berlin-based artists have joined this group exhibition, curated by internationally acclaimed artists – Janet Cardiff, Rebecca Horn and Robert Wilson parallel to the Berlin Biennial. The location is a former brewery in the center of Berlin.
Jakob Frills and Julie Lindhardt
Jakob Frills and Julie Lindhardt have created an installation based on the idea of the factory’s former use as a weapons factory. The aim is to act as a mechanism that triggers discussions about the installation.
Andrea Loux
Other artworks are an installation by Erik Buenger and a fantastic video by Andrea Loux.
Date: March 25th – April 24th, 2006
Place: Alte Koenigstadt Brauerei
Address: 24 Saarbrueckerstr., 10405 Berlin
Text: Yoshito Maeoka
Translation: Nem Kienzle
Photos: Yoshito Maeoka