HAPPENINGText: Jorg Heikhaus
More and more young galleries are popping up in Hamburg. One of the latest to start showing emerging art is the Gallery Oel-Frueh, which opened December 2005. It is a rather small three-storey intercept of a typical 60s building. Located directly at the river-bridges, which bring 140.000 cars to and from the city each day, it is one of those spots which you pass a zillion times without noticing.
However, in the last years diverse artists and art-related people moved near there to find roomy spaces for decent money. To represent this development and deliver a place for those people to present works or just meet (since there is nothing else around), Frank Breker (interior designer) and Christopher Muller (art intermediary) took action.
Due to the constellation and the personal backgrounds of the location and its originators, the program is to be taken as a wide approach. It will definitely neither try to place Oel-Frueh anywhere near shiny art-market-related institutions, nor be self-related in the sense of its surrounding. The idea is to present all-different, international and relevant artist who have more than one approach on the agenda. A clear reflection of the local surrounding and the special conditions is not a must but a preference. In between or as a kick-off of the exhibitions live-genres as music, lecture or film are presented as well.
Currently, Oel-Frueh shows the Berlin-based artist group Faller Mieth Stuessi Weck (FMSW) with the room installation “Winterspiele” (Winter Games – referring to the Winter Olympics). Amazing installations with styrofoam snow and strange (and dry!) winter fun.
In April the artists Michal Moravcik and Patrik Illo from Bratislava, Slovakia, come to exhibit their installations and designs. In May the international known multi-media artist, social performer and art professor Mike Hentz, currently based in Stuttgart and Berlin, shows different works from wall paintings to video works. He will launch interactive happenings as well. In June there will be a “Soccer world-cup” exhibition being arranged by the Serbian artist Miliza Simonovic and others.
Faller Mieth Stuessi Weck (FMSW) “Winterspiele”
Date: February 15th – March 2nd, 2006
Open: 19:00 – 22:00
Place: Gallery Oel-Frueh
Address: 33 Brandshofer Deich, 20539 Hamburg
Text: Jorg Heikhaus
Photos: Jorg Heikhaus
Additional Photos: Courtesy of Christopher Mueller