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HAPPENINGText: Daniel Ramirez Centurion, Maria Paz Pedreros

The live exhibitions in ArtFutura give a more exciting feeling than going to a normal museum. The light sculptures of Paul Friedlander are living proof of creating real time art pieces.

“HyperSpheres and The Wave Equation are the names I gave to the two major installations on show. I chose a mathematical theme in honour of my father, F G Friedlander, a Cambridge mathematician and fellow of the Royal Society.He died last year. Waves were an abiding interest for him, as they have become for me. The name of one of the installations is taken from the title of his book, ‘The Wave Equation on a Curved Space Time’. Extracts from the book were projected into both the installations. The HyperSpheres were created last year but I have now added an extra large HyperSphere and the data projection in 3D.The Wave Equation was created specially for this show.” says Paul Friedlander.

They are generated in real time, as you can see in the pics, by the light that is projected into the turning ropes that are hanging and spinning from the ceiling.Gives you the holographic sensation of digital art.

Another exhibition ‘OCHOPOROCHO’ showed artpieces specially made for ArtFutura by Hi-res!, Micromusic community and some pieces from Jodi, Team cHman, Robotduck and “independent gaming” GameLab.

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