Chibashi: What is the reason you moved your base to Tokyo from Kyoto?
Ito: The biggest reason is that we have had many business in Tokyo from the first, so it’s getting tiring to take a trip to Tokyo and back.
Ako: As long as I know originally “groovisions” was an unit called GROOVEQUEST. Am I right?
Ito: In a way, I say “Yes” but it’s a little more complicated. Well, it’s started as a DJ team called GROOVEQUEST and then …
Ako: Ha? Was “groovisions” a DJ team at the beginning?
Ito: That’s right. However I wasn’t the core member but other people.
Chibashi: Then, how about “groovisions”?
Hara: That was named by Mr.Konishi…
Ito: He started using the name “groovisions by GROOVEQUEST. Then somehow the word of GROOVEQUEST had been gone before none was aware.
Hara: At the really beginning, there were only Saito and Ito. And these two were making images/films for Pizzicato Five’s concert tours. Right?
Ito: Yes.
Ako: How did Saito and Ito meet and know each other?
Ito: At some club. (ha ha) At the event held by a person called Tanaka from Sound Impossible.
Ako: Tanaka is from Kyoto, right?
Ito: Yes. Tanaka, Matuyama and me used to hold events in clubs. And we decided to invite Saito, who was famous for his sound knowledge of movies, to our events. At that time, Tanaka introduced me to Saito.
Chibashi: Could you tell me a little more about Tanaka?
Ito: He is taking a part in some music units such as Sound Impossible, Fantastic Plastic Machine and so.
Ako: Tanaka is doing DJ and also Remix. He used to be active in Kyoto with Matsuyama who is also friend of Ito. Lately he is doing DJ for Konishi’s event in Tokyo. By the way, Matsuyama is the person irreplaceable for groovisions’ event in Metro. He is a terrific super Mondo DJ.
As the result of his play, everybody in the event confuses how to dance and whether it’s allowed to laugh or not, so the dance floor is filled by some strange tensed atmosphere. (ha ha)
Ito: ha ha.
Chibashi: What kind of works did you create by that time?
Ito: I think it’s same as now.
Chibashi: Using Macromedia Director?
Ito: Yes.
Chibashi: When did you start to use Macintosh?
Ito: I think it was around 1990. I used DynaMac and so, which was before MacPlus. I started making motion pictures about 1991, with Macintosh IIfx.
Chibashi: By that time, did Macromedia Director already exist?
Ito: Yes, it did. It was about Version 3.0.
Ako: Was it the only application could handle motion pictures, at that time?
Ito: Yes. There wasn’t QuickTime yet.
Ako: Were you impressed, when you used Director first time? Let’s say “Oh, it’s moving!!”
Ito: Yeah, yeah! (ha ha)
Hara: It’s easy, too.
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