PEOPLEText: Daniel Jenett


Ya, definitely film!

How is the REMEDI project going to evolve?

It’s pretty much there. Like I said.. I’d like to put lots of spinning things on it, things that spin. And things that make noises, lots of things that make noise.. make it flash and beep, and jump up and down.. I don’t know. I definitely try not to guess where things are gonna go, I much rather try to understand where they are right now, and play with it from there. Me predicting where it’s gonna be in five years would be about as smart as me, saying that it’s not gonna change over the next five years.. So there is no way that I can anticipate it, hopefully I am still be doing it, I like to think I would..but so many things come and so many things go.

I think in the, what I like about REMEDI is, the learning that happens there, by the artist and by the audience as part of a process. I think that that process is more important than to get to any goal, everything is building, everything weaves into something else. When people go there what I hope that they get out of it is something that they can put into their own stuff.. they can think of, say, this will help me take the next step, into the next level in whatever I’m doing.

And I think REMEDI in itself is that as well, it’s not an end goal, it’s not as much a self contained thing as it will be a step onto something else, a movement onto something else, another way to improve ourselves and what we are doing and to learn more about that. Maybe it will all lead into sth. different, maybe wit will just die and something else will come along. Maybe it will exactly keep going as it is..I don’t know. In my mind it is fun for what it is, but it’s still just a’s not brain surgery!! in the end much more important things will come along, we learn a lot from this, but we learn a lot from other things too! And so I don’t ever wanna see REMEDI as a goal, like I said it’s just a step in the process..

What does the name really mean?

Redesigning The Medium Through Discovery! Where that comes from? Ahmm.. me trying to be really cool, trying to come up with a wicked cool name. So I sat down and thought what would be cool..anagrams are cool, and acronyms are cool, so.. I needed to work in discovery and the medium. And I was reading a lot of Marshal McLuhan at the time, so I was all into this ‘the medium is the message’ old shit, and I was thinking about that and started getting into that. Finally I fell upon REMEDI. All the connotations that came with that: ‘a remedi for some evil in the world’, as if there were some super-hero. And than the whole idea of like, when hard rock bands take their names and switch out letter, like ‘korn’..which makes it soo cool! So I was thinking I totally have to do that.. REMEDI with an ‘i’ instead of a ‘y’ which is brilliant… it still works. It’s a little bit catchy!..well, ok.

“Cool! OK! thanks!”

Text: Daniel Jenett

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