Yuka Kasai is a Japanese artist who garnered attention for her “Meiji Monogatari” (Tale of Meiji) which was compared to the Heiji Scroll, Heiji Monogatari Emaki (Tale of the Heiji Rebellion) after it became a topic on...
Yuka Kasai is a Japanese artist who garnered attention for her “Meiji Monogatari” (Tale of Meiji) which was compared to the Heiji Scroll, Heiji Monogatari Emaki (Tale of the Heiji Rebellion) after it became a topic on...
Beat maker / producer “PARKGOLF” who works based on Sapporo, Hokkaido released the 2nd album “REO” in this August through “2.5D”. It got the 1st in the electronic album chart of iTunes. We interviewed with him about t...
Dance music producer, MATZ is drawing media’s attention even though he is only a teenager. He has just signed a contract with STARBASE and released his first EP, “Composite” on July 7th, 2017. Talking with him made me...
Tomohiro Shibuki, a Tokyo-based textile designer and an artist, mainly creates artworks by needle wool felting. His works show the importance of thinking how his works should be exhibited in relationship with others. ...
Ten-ei Abe, a representative artist of Hokkaido, Japan, has stood in the front line for over 60 years. Since his debut, he has exhibited many outstanding dynamic pieces domestically and overseas and he still keeps dev...
Your test writing at the stationary shop may become a part of her drawing art before you know it. “Reality exists where you and other persons don’t intend anything”. Okoimatsu collects lines which people wrote as ...
I met a man who is confronting the numbers "1, 2, and 3" the most in the world. Aged 31, he is an artist who keeps drawing "123". Also a stage director/choreographer, until a few years ago, he was a Butoh performer as...
Keiko Orikasa is a candle artist. She does varied activities like providing candles to events and lives and contributing articles to the magazines. Candle series “Season Issue”, which expresses four seasons in Hokkaid...
Chisato Shinya, an illustrator and artist is holding "Looks Like X'mas." exhibition at Clark Gallery+SHIFT in Sapporo, for the first time in four years. Until last year, she in the artist-named Kinpro has been produce...
Jun Igarashi, influenced by his grandfather's work, went on to become not only a mere architectural planner but a highly sought-after designer and lecturer in Japan and overseas, especially in Scandinavia and continen...
Hiroaki Suetsugu is an artist based in Hokkaido, vigorously showing his conceptual works in Tokyo and Sapporo. His carefully thought out and tranquil works are created after numerous experimental steps and they range ...
Despite that he was born in Chiba Prefecture, Daisuke Takatomi is now a glass artist who represents Hokkaido. He has a glass studio and a cafe in Tsukiura, Toyako, Hokkaido. His works, mainly art pieces, including liv...