As I've been so busy sorting my flat out since Christmas, I've lost all contact with the outside world. Therefore I'm entirely dependent on those around me for news of what's going on in London. A quick scout round th...
As I've been so busy sorting my flat out since Christmas, I've lost all contact with the outside world. Therefore I'm entirely dependent on those around me for news of what's going on in London. A quick scout round th...
LOT/EK, a New York based creative unit, presents its design installation at CCAC Institute - Tecoah & Thomas Bruce Gallery. Founded by two Italian architects, Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano, LOT/EK (pronounced as "low...
Herewith a survey of some of London's independent film societies. Deadline imminent and no return phone calls from OMSK or Halloween Society, so this will have to be done with no input from them. Never mind some of th...
It has been observed that as the world reaches the end of a century, culture, expecting a new order from the following century, goes beserk. This is no more evident than in the tendency towards opulence and decadence,...
A British Academy for Film and Television (UK Oscars) representative came over to see us today to talk about their intention to include new media titles in next years awards. Commercial new media awards have larg...
Myra painting by Marcus Harvey, 1995 The Royal Academy of Art opened a somewhat controversial exhibition in a self conscious bid to buy back the vitality it never had. Marcus Harvey's, "Myra," has created the bi...