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HAPPENINGText: Nicolas Roope

As I’ve been so busy sorting my flat out since Christmas, I’ve lost all contact with the outside world. Therefore I’m entirely dependent on those around me for news of what’s going on in London. A quick scout round the office and a few quick calls, reveal a number of interesting insights into this odd place.

Computer game news: According to tabloid newspaper ‘The Sun,’ a two year-old kid is playing ‘Goldeneye’ for 12 hours straight every day, stopping only for his mum to feed him junk food. He’s still in nappies, so he doesn’t need to pause to piss or shit either. And the only word he knows is ‘die,’ apparently. Sounds like he’ll grow into a well-adjusted, friendly kid.
– Sean Winstanley

Sexual health clinics can be great places to meet people.
– Rob le Quesne (Antirom)

There’s a massive Vogue for lapdancing right now. It’s very popular with the Soho digerarty and has thus become known as “Laptop dancing.”
– Andy Cameron (Antirom)

Umbrellas are completely out in London, in contrast to what I know of Japan.
– Joe (Antirom)

Rubulator is really popular in London right now.
– Joel Bauman

I witnessed the gentrification of our well known badboy of pop, Robbie Williams last week.He was shaking hands with an unpopular politician who had just sold him an Andy Warhole print.
– Me (Nicolas Roope, Antirom)

Top result cheeky ones more like. Why is Andy Cameron wearing schoolkid stuff (For more Ant Gibberish see ‘Callz’, on
– Anthony

Sausages are in.
– Andy Allenson

Soup is the new pie.
– Tomas

I’m growing a beard. Everyone seems to be growing beards.
There’s going to be lots of crazy sex because of the millennium.

You have to go to Tactical café. Scala’s going to be the hot place next month (March). It’s a new venue, Sean Mc Clusky, Sonic Mook and all that jiggery pokery. New club called fabric. Everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. It’s in Farringdon and it’s absolutely enormous. Fletcher, they’re getting their menswear and womenswear ranges together. Gregory Lang is interesting on the clothes front too. Dispensary, Browns focus and Burro for this. Drinks (not food): William the 4th pub on Harrow Road in west London. Mind the queue. We want to know when we can get some of those pedometers you’ve got over there in Japan. Also that game you play with your ears and the egg. Of course you just buy the revamped Guestlist that is out on the 18th March.
– Paul (Guestlist)

Meldown on the southbank in the summer. Kraftwerk were supposed to be hosting it but had to pull out. It’s an alternative festival which is produced by whoever is chosen to host it. A couple of years ago this was Laurie Anderson.
– Everton (Violinist)

I’m in Paris with John, having a nice time. I’ve been styling Steps loads recently (and is rather embarrassed to say so). They’re doing an Abba tribute at the Brit Awards. Steven Morris, fashion director of FHM came up to us and said “Green is the new grey, grey becomes a basic and black is out” what a fucking anus. Moving away from very dark indigo look and back to 80’s; more hippie than Bon Jovi. Feather Mules too.
– Sophie (Antirom)

Cut off trousers for men. Miumiu are doing a menswear range. It looks quite nice. They did a play as a fashion show in Milan; it was very good. Prada Sports. All those transparent things are just going to sell out (Spring/Summer ’99). Over-bleached, bashed up jeans for Spring/Summer ’99.
– John (buying for Harrods in Paris)

Heathrow Express is blinding (good). They’ve got a quiet zone now, without the telly. Well worth the twenty quid.
– Tom Hingston (designer on Massive Attack’s Mezzanine)

Don’t like landlords who supposedly have flats in Brixton Hill, which actually turn out to be in Streatham.
– Luke (Antirom)

There’s a shiny roundabout of polished stainless steel at the ICA. Steve McQueen, an artist, is showing there right now; some films and this roundabout thing. Michael Marriot had a birthday party; now that really was fun. I saw something really awful recently that I can’t remember. I’ve obviously wiped it out.
– Juanita (Tomato)

Text: Nicolas Roope

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