HAPPENINGText: Amelia Ijiri

Irving Penn: Works 1939–2007. Masterpieces from the MEP Collection
Presented by DIOR. From the collection of MEP, Paris (Maison Européenne de la Photographie) in collaboration with The Irving Penn Foundation

“Irving Penn: Works from 1939-2007. Masterpieces from the Maison Européenne de la Photographie Collection” show the artist’s skill as a printmaker. Among his oeuvre are prints of celebrities, artisans, tradespeople, and society figures. Featuring famous and iconic images from his days in commercial photography for Vogue to his work with experimental nudes, the exhibition included over 80 photographs. Another Vogue photographer was featured at the Museum of Kyoto’s annex.

Guy Bourdin “The Absurd and The Sublime”. Presented by CHANEL NEXUS HALL. The Museum of Kyoto Annex

“The Absurd and The Sublime” are Guy Bourdin’s storytelling images. Using abstract composition and color saturation, the images are like storyboards of a scene, often sensual, of something that just happened. Bourdin “would create Hitchcockian crime scenes to advertise shoes,” which shocked the 50’s and 60’s advertising community. KYOTOGRAPHIE 2022 continued to immerse visitors into narratives of different times, different societies, and different lives with exhibitions across town.

Ikko Narahara “Japanesque ”. Supported by LOEWE FOUNDATION. Ryosokuin Temple (Kennin-ji Temple)

Striking shots of the life of a Buddhist monk are the work of Japanese photographer Ikko Narahara featured at Ryosokuin Temple (Kennin-ji Temple), while the group exhibition by World Press Photo, People Power, took visitors to the streets of protests and iconic images in “documenting protest since 1957.” A group of Japanese women photographers complicated visitors’ understanding of their contemporary lives with images of a funeral procession in winter, a cherry blossom at a nuclear disaster, an ocean separating wives from their motherland, and more that conjured themes of sex, identity, mutation, creation, nature, and extinction.

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