HAPPENINGText: Yoshito Maeoka

There were also some very interesting installations and video works by artists from Africa, Asia, and South America.

Churchill Madikida, Status, 2005

HIV which today 400,000 people still suffer from was the theme of installation by Churchill Madikida.

Sheela Gowda, Collateral, 2007

Sheela Gowda chose ash as material, which probably they use for the occasion of curse spelling.

Gonzalo Díaz, Eclipsis, 2007

There was a simple frame by Gonzalo Díaz in an approximately 30 square meter room which was separated with walls. I thought it was just a white surface, but if you go closer to the picture, we can see letters by our shadow. It says in German, “you came to the center of Germany to see the word of ART in your shadow”. Well, it is very ironic indeed.

Amar Kanwar, The Lightning Testimonies, 2007

An impressive video installation by Amar Kanwar which was projected in 9 sequential videos and one video on four surfaces of a wall. Each video has a different taste but they all have good harmony and make a documentary of a woman who travels along through India.

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