HAPPENINGText: Yoshito Maeoka

Aue Pavillion is the biggest hall in documenta which was built just for this event in front of the field of Orangerie. Although it just looked like a conservatory from far, you would imagine that the inside must have been hot, but a fan was provided so it wasn’t that bad.

Aue Pavillion

Installation by Ricardo Basbaum will soon catch your eye when you enter the hall.

Ricardo Basbaum, Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?, 1994-2007

It is a collaboration work with the project called “Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?”.

Monika Baer, Vampir(1), 2007

It was a fantastic opportunity to look at the paintings by recent young German artists. “Vampir(1)” by Monika Baer is her recent work which makes us think of fantasy, and dreams. Dierk Schmidt is an artist who makes pieces with the motif of social problems, and went through the experiment with the approach of paintings. He picked up in the time when Bismarck had power and colonized Africa, it gave us the impression of abstract paintings because of the way it was presented.

Charlotte Posenenske, Square Tubes, 1967-2007

Very interesting works by Charlotte Posenenske, made for spacious room. They look like they have been put up unintentionally, and as if they were going to be used for a part of some buildings but I think it is a very nice way to cut out a part of ordinary life and make it reborn.

This is the installation by Saadane Afif who used the space nicely so that we can hear the sound of 13 guitars three-dimensionally.DSCF8977.jpg

Johanna Billing, This is How We Walk on the Moon, 2007

A nice smooth guitar sound will reach our ears when we go to the next room. It is the video work by Johanna Billing. She invited musicians from Edinburgh and chose the song of Arthur Russell for BGM who used to work in NY in 80’s. It was lyrical and dramatic work as everyone rows the boat and goes to the sea.

Mladen Stilinovic, Exploitation of the Dead 1984–90, 2007

The other piece which I would like to introduce personally, is the installation which was hung on a container by Mladen Stilinovic. His paintings, drawings, and object d’art evoke the image of death. There were cakes which we can buy by the piece probably everywhere in Germany. I asked if the cakes will ever changed during the exhibition, but the answer was No. I wonder how they are going to be during the event, I kind of want to see the process.

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