NIKE 公式オンラインストア


PLACEText: Yoshito Maeoka

The approach is to incorporate the size of the room. Bernd Trasberger, Lutz-Rainer Mueller, Johannes Heidenpeter, and Sebastian Graefe do the same.

Bernd Trasberger

Gunnar Voss’ approach was interesting too. On top of a common wooden board he arranged a bundle of cloth, six notebooks, inkblots which was the same as one used for the notebooks. Looking through the notes one by one, I understood that they were theatre script directions. Reading those directions carefully I closed my eyes and tried to imagine. I saw the image with people wearing costume fabrics in the room as if it’s the image of a stage which will start from now on.

Gunnar Voss

This is organized by an interesting individual who modified the direction of the project in the role as Project Chief, Barbara Buchmaier. She relates why she chose this place for the occasion of the project. “Of course, there are economical reasons. However, more important is that there are only a few places to see art in Wedding. So people here tend to make time to face the long time works themselves.

For example, we could have a place on Torstrasse (there are many galleries within walking distance of the Mitte area), but most people only check and go to the other places next door straight away, don’t you think? But it’s not that there is nothing appealing to an artfan there. This Hoefe has two other galleries. This space has modest surroundings, but it’s a quite quiet and concentrated atmosphere – like a home or a studio – , that’s one of the biggest reasons.”

This is the approach due to the appealing contents. That’s how I felt her confidence in her remark. I think we should keep a close eye on ther activities in the future.

Date: June 3rd – 13th, 2006
Place: Cluster Berlin
Address: Osram Hoefe, 16 Oudenarder Strasse, 13347 Berlin

Text: Yoshito Maeoka
Translation: Jacqueline Ste. Croix
Photos: Yoshito Maeoka

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.