HAPPENINGText: Yoshito Maeoka
Following the route indicated and entering the back, there are many works in a room with an overwhelmingly high ceiling. Works by Stefan Berchtold, John Bock, Stephan Huber, John Isaacs, Ingolf Keiner, Joerg Lange, Roman Signer, Oliver van den Berg, and Wiebke Maria Wachmann. This space used to be a main entrance, and it can be imagined how people at that time impressed with the extent of the space.
This room is followed by another landing with Jan Sobottka‘s work, and a huge space at the top of the stairs with many works by other artists.
As the whole exhibition has a theme of “death”, there were lots of works attempted with abyss, grotesque and cynical. It was also distinctive that lots of these works were huge, fitting for the dynamic space which is a feature of this building.
The session has been extended until November 19th by popular demand although it was expected until October 22th at the beginning. At the last week of the session, many events and parties were held to be unwilling to part from this building.
By the wasy, after destroying the Palast der Republik, it is expected to rebuild the past Berliner Schloss. However, it is talked about it is difficult to reach the actual completion because the source of revenue is from donations.
Fraktale IV
Date: September 17th – November 19th, 2005
Place: Palast der Republik
Address: Karl-Liebknecht Strasse, 10178 Berlin
Text: Yoshito Maeoka
Translation: Kosai Kato
Photos: Yoshito Maeoka