HAPPENINGText: Paul Snowden

Somehow I got an invitation to the Nordic Embassies to check out an exhibition of 23 young designers from Island. The Danish, Swedish, Norwegisch, Finnish and Islandish embassies are all packed together in style in probably one of the more impressive buildings in Berlin. The exhibition showed works from industry, product, fashion and graphic design and objects in a very nordic – lots of wood and lots of atmosphere.

A little more excting was maybe the Transmediale. Berlin once again was on the ball. I must admit, I wasn’t there though. A little more exciting was maybe the Berlinale. Berlin once again was at the ball. I must admit, I wasn’t there though.

Start commercial break. – Designmai. In May ’03, Berlin strikes a pose and the design scene hangs tough. Check out the for further information. If anyone is considering coming to Berlin to check out what we have to offer and maybe needs assistance, please do not hesitate in getting in touch with me. – End commercial break.

What I did find interesting was to see that the design monument, Pentagram, opened up a office here in Berlin. It would really interest me why an American/English design company gets here and what they want. I might just ask them. Pentagram have the coolest name anyway. Check out the Pentagram website to know who knows how to do business.

What truely struck me was, the Massive Attack poster hailing the concert to the tour to the new record. Check out the artwork to ‘100 Windows‘ Massive Attack 4th proper album. Massive Attack is without argument the benchmark test for style and aesthetic. Nick Knight once again gives meaning to meaningless images laced with brilliant typography, Massive Attack creates a place to put them to rest and suddenly it all seems to make sense. And don’t forget to check out the source code of their website.

What truely struck me was, page 64-65 of the Dazed and Confused magazine – January issue. A double page advert for the Big Issue and the Big Issue foundation, a setup dedicated to helping Britain homeless. The old trick combination of long copy, good photo, big headline and heavy typography always works and it certainly did.

For the world wide antiwar demo on the 15th half a million people and apparently more gathered in Berlin. We know that good signs get us from a-to-b faster and better, but does good design really make people think, act and react? But can good design stop wars? What is the modern form of protest? What is the next revolution?

Text: Paul Snowden

[Help wanted] Inviting volunteer staff / pro bono for contribution and translation. Please e-mail to us.
Sneha Divias