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HAPPENINGText: Taketo Oguchi

A special exhibition was held at one of the main venues, KASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMA in Daikanyama. In collaboration with a French artist Philippe Baudelocque and a Danish art magazine “Plethora Magazine”, the venue featured a chalk drawing universe – which was also used for this year’s key visual.

Works by Philippe Baudelocque(KASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMA)© Nacása & Partners

Plethora Magazine is a large poster-sized magazine project started in 2013 by Peter Steffensen (Editor-in-Chief) and Benjamin Wernery (Art Director). Each issue features a wide range of artists and numerous collaborations. They are also committed to sustainability, using paper from renewable plantations and organic inks for printing.

Works by Knit All Together(KASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMA)© Nacása & Partners

As part of the “OVER 2020” programmes, “Knit All Together”, a project by knitwear creator Motohiro Tanji, was also exhibited. His work was part of a special venue for supported exhibitors. To present a creative and positive way of living under Covid 19, Tanji exhibited one large piece of work with knitted goods gathered from all over Japan. The profit goes to the “Special Fund for Disaster Preparedness/Coronavirus disaster” by the Nippon Foundation.

Works by Tanaka(KASHIYAMA DAIKANYAMA)© Nacása & Partners

Satoshi Itasaka, a Product Designer and Architect who crosses different art fields, exhibited a chair made of recycled materials “Stump Chair”, as part of his internationally acknowledged “h220430” project. The denim brand “TANAKA”, was founded by Sayori Tanaka, a designer based in Brooklyn, New York. She exhibited an installation that expresses the series of ways in which clothes (denim) are born (made), die (discarded) and then reincarnates, representing one of the key messages of this year’s exhibition: up-cycling and sustainability.

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