パトリシオ・リクス・クレテイットPatricio Lix Klett

Patricio Lix Klett Photo © Amparo Bernabe
Patricio Lix Klett is one of the most successful independent designers in Buenos Aires. He has studied industrial design in the University of Buenos Aires and in TaiK University in Helsinki (which nowadays belongs to Aalto University). He owns La Feliz –with his wife Celeste Bernardini-, a very special nest of craft and design.パトリシオ・リクス・クレテイットはブエノスアイレスで、デザイナーとして成功している人物の一人である。彼はブエノスアイレス大学とTaiK(ヘルシンキ芸術デザイン大学)で工業デザインを専攻。現在は妻のセレステ・ベルナルディーニとともに、クラフトとデザインに特化した「ラ・フェリツ」を経営している。
自転車で回遊するのがオススメで、多くの道路に「ビシセンダス」と呼ばれる自転車専用レーンがあります。なかでも、カフェやレストラン、バーが軒を連ねるゴリッティ通りが大好きです。まずビールを飲みに「ノラ」(4389 Gorriti)へ寄り、「ラ・ファブリカ・デル・タコ」(5062 Gorriti)でメキシカン・タコスを食べ、自転車屋「モフィン」(5051 Gorriti)へ行き、従兄弟の家を経由して自宅に戻るのがいつものコース。この広いエリアは新しく、川までサイクリングもできるし、建築大学を見学したり、そのまま25キロメートルほど走ると「エル・プエルト・デ・フルゥトス・エン・エル・ティグレ」(1648 Tigre)というレストランにも行けます。この一帯は14,000平方キロメートルの流域を持つパラナ・デルタで、サンタ・フェとロサリオ、ティグレの街、およそ320kmに広がる荒野の入り口でもあるのです。中心部から25キロメートルも離れていますが、時間と距離に見合った楽しいことがたくさんあります。
Text: Celeste Najt
Translation: Aya shomuraPlease introduce yourself and your activity.
Hi! I am Patricio Lix Klett, half craftman, half designer, I think in one way or another. I have my moments; I built my life around designing and manufacturing thoughts & problems that come to me. I enjoy this! I am happy.
For the last 11 years my wife and I, worked developing the idea of La Feliz, our company. We design and produce house equipment, store – showroom, trying to develop our own technics to develop our own way of understanding the world.
Could you tell us about your city? What do you think about it?
I love freedom, I haven’t felt in anyplace in the world the freedom I feel in BSAS. It is a mixture of anarchism, and low quality institution control. I don’t have an Argentinean word to describe it, is more like a feeling of mine that makes me love living here.
How do you feel about design in Buenos Aires?
Every culture is unique, the borders of each country define a macro personality, which shape us as consumers, and make our profession having a distinctive point of view. It is in the identity of the material itself where the language of Argentinean designers is, including myself; I have been exploring the materials for the last 10 years. My designing has been growing and reaching inner and outside markets, while still keeping the ‘underground’ essence, avoiding the mass production.
Please tell us about your favorite places in Buenos Aires.
I enjoy the city by bike. Many streets have the so-called “bicicendas”, (part of the road exclusively for bikes). The one I prefer is the one that goes along Gorriti street, it allows me travel through coffees, restaurants and beer joint. Gorriti takes me to “Nola” (4389 Gorriti) for a beer, to mexican tacos “La Fábrica del Taco” (5062 Gorriti), to my bicycle shop “Muvin” (5051 Gorriti), to my cousin’s house and it also takes me back home. The area I enjoy is the newest and widest available space, where you can cycle near the river, see the architecture university and travel 25km until “El puerto de frutos en el Tigre” (1648 Tigre), which is the door to our wilderness: The Paraná Delta, which has an overall basin area of 14,000 sq kilometers, and runs for 320 km between the cities of Santa Fe and Rosario and Tigre and it is just 25 km away from the city center. These are things I really enjoyed from my city.
Text: Celeste Najt