フェルナンド・トロッカFernando Trocca

© Fernando Trocca
Fernando Trocca started his cooking career when he was 10 years old, while looking at his grandmother in the kitchen. He was very close to her during his childhood幼少期に祖母と一緒にいることの多かったフェルナンド・トロッカは、彼女の料理を見よう見まねで身につけ、10歳から「料理」のキャリアをスタートさせた。18歳で料理人の道へ進み、ブエノスアイレスで5年間の修行を積む。その後はイタリア、スペイン、フランスを渡り歩いた。自身初のレストランはニューヨークの「リェルス」(1991~1997年)、続いてブエノスアイレスの「スクレ」(2001年)、ウルグアイの「サンタ・テレジータ」(2013年)。そして、ブエノスアイレスにオープンした「フレスコ・レストラン」の創業メンバーの一人でもある。また、最近では自著「料理人 トロッカ」(原題:Trocca Cocinero)が出版となったばかり。常に国内外を飛び回る彼に話を聞いた。
レストランではエル・ポブレ・ルイス(Arribeños 2393)、ロ・デ・カルリトス(Charcas 3702)、美術館なども併設するプロア・ファンデーション、サンテルモ地区やヴィセンテ・ロペス市、ラ・プラタ川沿いもいいですよ。
Text: Celeste Najt. At the age of 18, he decided to go into the gastronomy, working for 5 years in Buenos Aires. After that, he has worked in Italy, Spain and France. He opened his first restaurant “Llers”, from 1992 until 1997 in New York, opened “Sucre” in Buenos Aires in 2001 and “Santa Teresita” in Jose Ignacio, Uruguay in 2013. Nowadays Fernando is involved in several projects: he is the man behind the menu at “Fresco Restaurant“, and his book –a very complete autobiography- “Trocca Cocinero” was just published! We did some questions to him that might give us an insight of Trocca’s world.
Please introduce yourself.
My name is Fernando Trocca, I’m Argentinean and 50 years old. I’m a career chef.
What inspired you to create Fresco Restaurant?
Fresco wasn’t actually my idea but from the owners of the project. They invited me to collaborate on the creation of the menu and the idea. When they told me about the concept, I didn’t doubt about working with them.
What do you think about Buenos Aires?
Buenos Aires is my city, my place, it is the place I choose for living and being with my family and friends. It is a unique city.
Please tell us about your favorites places in Buenos Aires.
Restaurant El Pobre Luis (Arribeños 2393), Restaurant Lo de Carlitos (Charcas 3702), Proa Foundation, San Telmo and Vicente López areas, the river.
Text: Celeste Najt